Saturday, February 21, 2009

Things That Everyone Enjoys Because They Are Inherently Good

Many of you may be familiar with the internet phenom "Stuff White People Like". For those who are not, let me illuminate your world to the inner workings of this cultural milestone:
It is an internet blog that each day lists something that is inherently good and/or enjoyable, then ironically mocks us for appreciating the inherent goodness of it in the most mundane, unimaginative structure.

Recently I was reading this because my mom, bless her heart, purchased me a book of 300 or so of these blogs for Christmas. This book, in its quest to catalog the habits and interests of the illusive White Person, tries to maintain constant objectivity. Being that white people are fans of both good, clever writing, and things that make them laugh, this book goes to great lengths to avoid such typical pitfalls. Here are some examples of things that white people should feel guilty about liking, because the mere act of enjoying them verifies beyond any shadow of a doubt that we are, in fact, inarguably white:
Sarah Silverman
International Travel
Indie Music

In retaliation, I have decided to develop my own internet blog phenomenon. I am entitling it, to avoid any sort of lawsuit: Things That Everyone Enjoys Because They Are Inherently Good.
This blog will focus on unironically listing things that are universally agreed upon being enjoyable, beneficial, or good in some way. Instead of mocking white culture for being white culture, this is going to be a daily affirmation that you are, in fact, a person, and as such enjoy things, and that there is nothing wrong with that.

Day 1:
Food. People like food, because it keeps us alive. It also, in many instances, tastes favorably, and removes pains in our stomachs. Pains are not fun to have, so something that counteracts pain is good.

Day 2:
Houses. People like houses because they give us a place to sleep. Because of this, we often do not die from hypothermia. Also, houses have bathrooms with showers, so we have a place to put our pee and poo when we no longer want it, and can clean ourselves periodically.

Day 3:
Sexual Intercourse. People are pretty in to this activity because it often results in one or more of the participants achieving an orgasm. Wikipedia defines Orgasm as " the conclusion of the plateau phase of sexual response cycle". Lil' John defines an orgasm as "Skeet skeet skeet skeet".
People like intercourse because not only is it pretty sweet, but it can result in kids, when deemed appropriate. However, sometimes, people get kids they did not want. This can be tragic, in the case of dumpster babies, or whimsical and charming, in the case of Juno.

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